
We select 3-4 undergraduate students in Visual Art and showcase their work and creative process through an interview and multi-page colour spread. Student artists may be shadowed by a student editor and photographer over multiple sessions.

As the journal devotes a significant amount of space in our publication for each artist, selection is competitive. Candidates who can demonstrate a mature and progressive body of work and a serious commitment to their practice are preferred. Final selections are made through blind peer review. 


  • Undergraduate students with a major or minor in Visual Arts

  • Must be available throughout the school year for studio visits, photoshoot, and interview

  • Preference is given to students who can demonstrate through their documentation, active engagement and evolution of their practice. (i.e., a number of series or set of improved works, or a lengthier project)

  • Artwork may be previously published or unpublished

  • Please remove your name from the actual images of your work, and follow the file naming conventions listed below. All entries are judged blind. Images containing the name of the artist will be removed from consideration.

Submission Specifications

  • Include current year, faculty, major/minor in the body of email

  • Maximum 500-word statement of practice (i.e., development, interests, objectives, aspirations)

  • Provide numbered list of all submissions that includes title, year, dimensions, medium in a Word/PDF file. A brief description of the works may also be included

  • Name all files in the sequence in which they are to be viewed: "LastName_TypeofSubmission_Number".jpg (e.g., Doe_ArtworkSubmission_2.jpg) 

Image Specifications

  • JPEG images of artworks may be submitted for initial consideration; however, all submitted pieces must be available to photograph for publication 

  • If the artworks selected are no longer available to photograph, the artist must be able to provide high-resolution images for publication (.PSD/.TIFF format at 300dpi)


Artwork files larger than 10MB should be submitted as links via DropboxGoogle Drive, or WeTransfer to with the subject line "Artwork Submission - [Your Name]". Please ensure that all links are correct and unbroken. 

deadline: JANUARY 26, 2025 at 11:59 PM

Questions? Please reach out at