Co-Editors in Chief: Aja Papp, Eve Salomons
Graphic Designer: Greg Gibson
Photographer: Navin Adchariyavanich
Editors: Mia Chen, Judith Chow, Kiran Dhaliwal, Carly Formosa, Corey Morrell, Apanuba Puhama, Maisie Westerman, Irene Wang
Contributing Artists: Anneke Dresselhuis, Hazel Zhang
Contributing Writers: Michelle Chang, Kiana Shahnia, Samantha Bell, Ollie Beeby, Jeffrey Boone, Yasmine Semeniuk
Exhibitionary Platforms: Ordering of the World in Instagram Travel Photography
Fred Oliver Beeby Maglaque
Segregation and Orientalism: Edwin Deakin’s Chinatown in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco
Michelle Chang
Battles of Simurgh and Ezhdaha: The Ideological Transformation of Monsters
Kiana Shahnia
Reimagining Black Feminine Identities: Self-Representation in Contemporary South African Art
Samantha Bell
artist profiles
Anneke Dresselhuis: (in)visibility in the information state
Maisie Westerman
Hazel Zhang: Exploring the Realms of Architecture, Perspective, and the Anthropocene
Syed Apanuba Puhama
Graham Landin, Triangle Beach at PALE FIRE
Jeffrey Boone
Uninvited: Canadian Women Artists in the Modern Moment, VANCOUVER ART GALLERY
Yasmine Semeniuk
The Undergraduate Journal of Art History & Visual Culture (UJAH) is a free student journal published by the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory and the Art History Students’ Association at the University of British Columbia. All material is copyright © 2023 UJAH, authors. All inquiries can be emailed to
UJAH gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the UBC Art History Students’ Association and the UBC Arts Undergraduate Society, as well as the editorial and financial support of the Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory at the University of British Columbia.
UJAH’s editorial team would like to acknowledge that we work and learn on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Musqueam people.
Issue 14, 2023. Published since 2009. Cover design by Greg Gibson.